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Evening Schedule

Evening Schedule

Our Fall Practice theme is ​​Doubt as the Doorway. 


It comes from Master Nan-in's koan, ‘Simultaneous Doubt and Enlightenment’:


A monk approaches Master Nan-in about ‘Simultaneous Doubt and Enlightenment’. Nan-in replies, “You know only 'simultaneous doubt and enlightenment’ [i.e. when a chick is about to come out from an egg, it chirps. In response, the hen will peck at the egg so as to break the shell and free the chick, this process is compared to having doubt and receiving the solution right away] as a thing in itself, but you are not equipped to apply it"… "The truly great master does not hold onto the mold of 'simultaneous doubt and enlightenment.' One who does is deprived of its working." The monk said, "I still have some doubt.' Nan-in said, "What is it that you doubt?" The monk said, "The so-called deprived of." At that, Nan-in struck him. The monk protested but Nan-in drove him away.


Later, the monk goes to visit Nan-in but he has passed away. Master Fuketsu asks how he understood the concept at the time of talking with Nan-in, and the monk replies. “At the time I was like one walking by the light of a lamp." Fuketsu said, "You have understood."


We will continue to meet both live (in the Multifaith Chapel in Campion) and via Zoom. If you would like to join us on Zoom and are not already on the listserv, please send us a message and you will receive the secure Zoom invitation.​

Our program (both live and on Zoom) remains as follows:


7:10 pm: optional Zen training with Daichi for those new to Zen
7:30 PROMPTLY: short welcome and chanting
7:40: Zazen round one
8:00: KINHIN (walking meditation or five-minute break)
8:05: Zazen round two
8:25: Dharma talk
8:35: Chant the four bodhisattva vows


Web Design and Maintenance by Lia Perroud


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