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Evening Schedule

Evening Schedule

Our Spring Practice theme is INTERBEING.  

One of our two student leaders, MIRA MARTIN, has provided this description: "This spring quarter, I invite you to reflect on interconnected wisdom, inspired by my own recent connections in school. This idea is far from new and eloquently described by Thich Nhat Hanh as “Interbeing”, the inherent connection of all things in nature. This rich fabric of interconnectedness is a cornerstone to Zen and a beautiful conclusion to this year of practice."

We will continue to meet both live (in the Multifaith Chapel in Campion) and via Zoom. If you would like to join us on Zoom and are not already on the listserv, please send us a message and you will receive the secure Zoom invitation.


Our program (both live and on Zoom) remains as follows:


7:10 pm: optional Zen training with Daichi for those new to Zen
7:30 PROMPTLY: short welcome and chanting
7:40: Zazen round one
8:00: KINHIN (walking meditation or five-minute break)
8:05: Zazen round two
8:25: Dharma talk
8:35: Chant the four bodhisattva vows


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